January 23, 2023

API Updates: January 2023

Our API has been extended with several new messages:

  • Order Cancel/Replace Request
  • Trading Session Status Request

Order Cancel/Replace Request

This message helps modify existing working orders (states New or Partially Filled). It can be used to change price and/or outstanding size.

The command is exchange-agnostic and works for all supported LPs, disregarding that some exchanges don’t support change/amend/update requests.

Trading Session Status Request

This message uses to subscribe to real-time updates about your outgoing connectivity statuses.

It is no secret that connections to crypto exchanges are unstable. Our system monitors connectivity statutes and disables trading operations on problematic destinations until a link is up and all orders, positions, and trading history are synchronized.

By using Trading Session Status Request your trading system also can receive notifications when your outgoing connection with, e.g. Binance or Deribit goes down or back online again.

See messages specification here: https://docs.axon.trade